😱 Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening
😳 For All Common Languages
😯 Engaging Exercises Set
😲 All in a Few Clicks

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Into Game-Like Courses
Students Will Love

AI-powered PLAtform For teachers & course creators
Solo or group, beginner or advanced, synchronous or asynchronous.
Lessons or homeworks. All with immediate feedback for students and statistics for you.
Feeling like you can't catch up with the fast-changing world? Grab tech that was just for big companies until now.
Join us as an ambassador. Team up with our professionals to build your new course or scale up the existing one.
Boost your income by investing your knowledge in content that you can use again and again. Market your courses to other educators for extra cash and ratings.
Customized to fit what you and your students need
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People Say It Is
Thank you for such interesting content! Before finding this project, I used to create different tasks on Quizlet for myself.
I've made Hebrew language course based on tens of exercises sets generated on the platform.

To craft sets of gamified exercises by my words or texts in a matter of clicks — thats really useful, saves my time and motivates students to practice!

Thanks for founders Viktor and Lilia, you're building amazing tool for language teaching and learning!
Shura, Hebrew teacher
Classic way of language study never tell how to read the bill from water company or prescription for the medicine. Interactiver is a local buddy, who helps me understand small things around me better!
Very cool exercises! It's great that there are voiced pronunciations for different words. Thank you!
That's is really amazing, I've got more than 30 sets of interactive exercises for my language course only by it's content!

Viktor, Lilia, team — thank you for your work!
Timur, Hebrew teacher
Inream is a Game Changer!
Join us in education revolution!

Inream Features

Our AI tool automatically crafts set of various exercises tailored to your request; all is sounded and gamified

Phrase Building, Gaps Filling, Word Matching

All exercises that needed for learning

Just put your content (e.g. vocabulary to practice) and an interesting topic (e.g. career), than enjoy and customize exercises crafted by AI

Your actual content in actual topic

Personalised request

Join us as an ambassador. Share your exercises to Community and grow with it
Use exercises from our Community

community & Growth


English, Spanish, Сhinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Turkish,
Ukrainian. Just a heads-up, if your language is less common, you might need to spend a bit more time reviewing the exercises.

Also we are ready to support new languages and improve the quality of existing, do not hesitate to contact us to increase the priority for necessary features.
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